My Journey 2020 Update

Welcome back everyone, It’s been awhile since I made any updates on how my journey is going. It’s 2020 now, I am in a mandatory quarantine and the world is upside-down and has been so for the last month or so.

Before we start if anyone wants to check my older stories you can read them Here.

So let’s start from where we left things off, or after my February Update, 2019. So last I was in Vienna for a training as I was about to start work on a river cruise ship around Europe. Things didn’t go to plan as there was some problems with the schedules. A couple of ships didn’t sail, other ones had to be delayed so I changed my plans.

So I was in Plovdiv after a year and a half of pretty much non-stop working in London. It was a good time for me to step back a little, see my family, see my friends and regroup. And that’s exactly what I did. About two months I was just going around the city and recharging my batteries.

After a while though it started getting boring. I realised that I cannot really stand still for more than a month so I started making plans. That’s when I found a culinary school in Sofia that sounded like exactly what I needed.

The program is 2 years with 2 internships. The first one being in Europe and the second one in the US. So you have 1 year of theory and practice in the school and around a year and a half in internships.

It sounded good to me so I signed up. The school started in September and it was around April that I signed up. There was quite a long time until then and I couldn’t really stand still anymore.

That’s why I decided to move to Sofia and start working until the start of the school year. I had friends there so I moved in with them and started working in a restaurant near the city center.

I worked there for a couple of months, tried to do both that and studying but at one point it was a bit too much. I decided to stop after I had a month with pretty much no days off. Then I focused on my studies, passed my first semester and it was time for my first internship.

I was going to go back to London, working in a restaurant in Mayfair. So I booked a ticket, flew there and the timing couldn’t have been any worse. We arrived there in the beginning of March, or when the virus situation was just developing.

There were just a couple of cases in the UK back then and honestly as pretty much everyone else around me I didn’t think that the situation would get as worse as it is today. Just within a week everything pretty much changed.

The situation was getting out of control in Europe just a week later, Italy closed down it’s borders, the same started happening all around Europe, our restaurant closed down, my internship was canceled(understendable) and I was on my way back.

So I flew back just over a week after I arrived and I was greeted in the airport back home with doctors and people in hazmat suits. I had my temperature checked, signed a document for my quarantine and headed off. I am now staying in Sofia for my mandatory 14 days quarantine before I am able to go back home and see my family.

Pretty much everything for me is on hold right now. The hospitality industry nearly doesn’t exist at the moment and pretty much the whole world is stopped. There are some magazines that I picked up from the airport in London for a friend of mine, who is a journalist and collects them. The cover pretty much sums up my plans for the foreseeable future.

What my life looks like at the moment
What my life looks like at the moment

That’s pretty much it from me for now. This quarantine has given me some time to update you a bit, I didn’t really have much time lately. I hope I can also write a couple articles now. If you have anything in particular you would like to know around the stock market or personal finance please let me know.

That’s all from me guys, hope you had a good read, hope you are all safe and don’t forget to wash your hands!